Privacy Policy

Date: 08-11-2023

This Privacy Policy statement shall apply to all users who access Live IPL Score : Cricket Score mobile application. The users unconditionally agree that using its services signifies their unconditional assent to this Privacy Policy.

Live IPL Score : Cricket Score/we respect the privacy of it's users and is committed to protect it in all respects. Any dispute with Live IPL Score : Cricket Score over privacy matters are subject to this Privacy Policy read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions. matters are subject to this Privacy Policy read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Policy outlines how we, collect, use, and protect your personal and sensitive user data when you use our Cricket Score App. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your data. By using our app, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

1. Information We Collect

a. Personal Data: We do not collect any personal data that can directly identify you, such as your name, address, or contact information.

b. Usage Data: We may collect non-personal information about how you use our app, such as device information, browser type, and operating system.

2. How We Use Your Information

We collect and use your data for the sole purpose of improving your experience with our app. This includes:

a. App Functionality: Providing you with the latest cricket scores, news, and updates.

b. Analytics: Analyzing usage patterns and app performance to enhance your experience.

3. Data Sharing

We do not share your personal or sensitive user data with any third parties. Your data is exclusively used within our app to provide you with the best cricket experience.

4. Data Security

We take the security of your data seriously and implement measures to protect it. Your data is stored securely and is only accessible to authorized personnel.

5. Data Retention and Deletion

We retain your usage data for a reasonable period to improve the app's performance and functionality. You may request the deletion of your data by contacting our Privacy Point of Contact (see Section 7).

6. Privacy Policy Contact

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please write to our Privacy Point of Contact:

7. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. We recommend reviewing this policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect your data.

8. Policy Accessibility

This Privacy Policy is linked on our app's store listing page on the Google Play Store and within the app itself. It is readily accessible on an active, publicly accessible, and non-geofenced URL.

The SPI Rules further define "sensitive personal data or information" of a person to mean Personal Information about that person relating to:

All the aforementioned information is collectively referred to as "Personal Information."

Live IPL Score : Cricket Score does not collect any kind of information mention above.

Links to third party sites/ad-servers

The application may include links to other websites or applications. Such websites or applications are governed by their respective privacy policies, which are beyond our control. Once you leave our servers (you can tell where you are by checking the URL in the location bar on your browser), use of any information you provide is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the application, you are visiting. That policy may differ from ours. If you can't find the privacy policy of any of these sites via a link from the application's homepage, you should contact the application or website owners directly for more information. When we present information to our advertisers -- to help them understand our audience and confirm the value of advertising on our Websites or applications -- it is usually in the form of aggregated statistics on traffic to various pages / content within our applications.

Consent Withdrawal, Data Download & Data Removal Requests

To withdraw your consent, or to request the download or to delete your data with us for any or all our services at any time, please email to

Grievance Redressal

Redressal Mechanism: Any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to content and or comment or breach of these terms shall be immediately informed to the designated Grievance Officer as mentioned below via in writing or through email signed with the electronic signature to .
G-18, shivan avenue, dabholi-cozway link road, katargam,surat-395004

We request you to please provide the following information in your complaint:

Data deletion

As we are not asking any type of user data to use the app and app is totally open to all users without providing any information like email,password,phone or any other information so as we dont collect any type of data from user ther is no need for data deletion but still if any user have any query related to this then please write us at


Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We are committed to being transparent about how we handle your data and to ensuring that it is protected. By using our Cricket Score App, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with our practices, please refrain from using our app.